Sunday 15 February 2015

Final week 6

Harry Potter

2/56 Ralston Drive
Silicon Grove NSW 2000
M: 0401 101 010 

29 December 2010

Mr William Chan

Personnel Manager
Wong And Lim Consulting
PO Box 583
Kwai Chung

Dear Mr Chan 

Job Application For the Post of An Analyst/Programmer

am writing to apply for the Analyst/Programmer position, as advertised on the Silicon Grove website.

I am an enthusiastic and high-achieving Master of Computer Science student who has completed a Bachelor of Computer Science. I have exceptional technical and analytical skills, with experience in software development, data analysis, database management, information system support, security, network and server support, business analysis, enterprise application integration, program configuration, testing and evaluation, which I have gained in various analyst/programmer roles. 

My skills also encompass ICT project support and strategy, ICT procurement and contract management, client liaison and relationship management – skills which I developed during my time at Cybersphere. These experiences were invaluable in allowing me to develop and apply my skills in a professional context. 

I am eager to pursue a successful career in IT, and the Silicon Grove position is perfectly aligned with my skills and interests. I hope to find challenging and fulfilling work that will allow me to further my expertise while working within a team and growing with the organisation. 

You will find me to be a positive, motivated, and hard-working person who is keen to learn and contribute. My technical skills are combined with excellent communication skills that allow me to work effectively and positively and get along well with others. 

I believe that I have the right skills and experience to be a great fit for this position. My resume is attached and I look forward to being able to discuss the position with you further in interview. 

Yours Sincerely

Sunday 25 January 2015


Week 4

Harry Potter
2/56 Ralston Drive
Silicon Grove NSW 2000
M: 0401 101 010 

29 December 2010

Mr William Chan

Personnel Manager
Wong And Lim Consulting
PO Box 583
Kwai Chung

Dear Mr Chan 

Analyst/Programmer position

I am writing to apply for the Analyst/Programmer position, as advertised on the Silicon Grove website.

I am an enthusiastic and high-achieving Master of Computer Science student who has completed a Bachelor of Computer Science. I have exceptional technical and analytical skills, with experience in software development, data analysis, database management, information system support, security, network and server support, business analysis, enterprise application integration, program configuration, testing and evaluation, which I have gained in various analyst/programmer roles. 

My skills also encompass ICT project support and strategy, ICT procurement and contract management, client liaison and relationship management – skills which I developed during my time at Cybersphere. These experiences were invaluable in allowing me to develop and apply my skills in a professional context. 

I am eager to pursue a successful career in IT, and the Silicon Grove position is perfectly aligned with my skills and interests. I hope to find challenging and fulfilling work that will allow me to further my expertise while working within a team and growing with the organisation. 

You will find me to be a positive, motivated, and hard-working person who is keen to learn and contribute. My technical skills are combined with excellent communication skills that allow me to work effectively and positively and get along well with others. 

I believe that I have the right skills and experience to be a great fit for this position. My resume is attached and I look forward to being able to discuss the position with you further. 

Yours sincerely
(Harry Potter)

Week 3

Write's address :

Room 354, Block 6
Model Village
North Point
Hong KongPhone: 24862893
Mobile: 95427415

Date : 20 January 2013

Receiver's address :

Mr William Chan
Personnel Manager
Wong And Lim Consulting
PO Box 583
Kwai Chung

Salutation : Dear Mr Chan

Subject Line :

Application for the Post of Management Trainee

Opening :

I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student Affairs Office notice board of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 18 January 2013.

Content :

My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and written English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland China.

Closing :

I am available for interview at any time. I can be contacted most easily on the mobile phone number given above. I look forward to meeting you.

Complimentary Closure : Yours sincerely

Signature Block : Akmal Hariz bin Hamdan

Sunday 18 January 2015

Week 2

Week 2

Job/Position : Career Development Specialist
Duties/ Responsibilities :Typing, word processing, spreadsheet, office culture and behavior
Qualification/Requirements : Diploma and Degree
Compensation/ Benefits : paid internship at Harvard school of public of Health
The Company's Address : sociedad Latina,inc 1350 tremont street Roxbury, MA 02125
How to Apply: internet resume and interview

Saturday 10 January 2015



My ambition is to become a Computer Software Engineer because technology become a popular subject in world.I saw lot of magazines related to IT and i got interest in it. First of all you need to choose your carrier. then from your earl start knowing the basics of software and programming. Computer software engineers apply the techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to design, develop, test and evaluate software and systems. People need this career in life so that they can have all their computer demands for them. If there were none of these engineers than most would not be checked properly and the product would have poor quality. I am also very interested in computers,so i find this job very interesting and enjoyable.

Friday 16 May 2014

Fungsi Dan Kegunaan Komputer Secara Umum

Mousetik- Fungsi dan Kegunaan Komputer Secara Umum dapat membantu kita menyelesaikan banyak tugas-tugas kita. Seperti yang telah anda ketahui, awal mula fungsi komputer berkaitan erat dengan pengolahan suatu informasi yang mana pengolahan informasi tersebut sangat eksklusif hubungannya dengan masalah aritmatika. Hal itu terjadi pada awal ditemukannya komputer.
fungsi dan kegunaan komputer
Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu dan berkembangannya teknologi sekarang komputer tidak hanya untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang berhubungan dengan aritmatika saja. Beberapa fungsi dan kegunaan komputer sekarang ini adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Fungsi multimedia, dengan komputer kita dapat mengolah dan mengedit foto, atau mengolah dan memperbaiki video, juga dapat untuk merekam sebuah lagu. Jadi kita dapat mengedit foto yang kita sukai agar menjadi lebih baik atau terlihat lucu. Windows sendiri telah dilengkapi dengan software pengedit photo yang disebut paint. Namun, kemampuannya masih tergolong rendah jika dibanding dengan software-software pengedit photo yang terkenal seperti Photoshop maupun Photoscape.
  • Fungsi hiburan, seperti bermain game, mendengarkan lagu, atau menonton film. Kita bisa menginstall game pada komputer kita dan memainkannya asal komputer kita memiliki spesifikasi yang di minta oleh game tersebut.
  • Membantu proses pengajaran. Maksudnya disini adalah dapat membantu dalam proses presentasi dosen atau mahasiswa. Terkadang mahasiswa juga menggunakan komputer untuk menyimpan catatan nya (umumnya dalam bentuk e-book) sebagai ganti buku tulis. Serta fungsi lain mempermudah kan dalam mengerjakan tugas seperti karya ilmiah atau skripsi
  • Fungsinya yang pertama yaitu melakukan sistem pemrograman dan pemrosesan sebuah data. Fungsi yang pertama ini sering digunakan pada aplikasi-aplikasi tentang sistem informasi, termasuk untuk pembuatan program yang mana dapat membantu memudahkan pengguna dalam menjalankan sebuah komputer.
  • Fungsi yang erat kaitannya dengan bisnis, contohnya memproses informasi dan data keuangan sebuah perusahaan, pendataan karyawan, atau media promosi, atau bisa juga sebagai transaksi online. Dengan adanya komputer, bisnis lebih mudah dan cepat.
Akhir-akhir ini komputer juga bisa sebagai sarana bersosialisasi. Maksudnya adalah dengan menggunakan komputer kita dapat berinteraksi dengan user atau pengguna lain di belahan dunia manapun, asalkan terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet. Selain itu juga tersediannya sarana untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain seperti Facebook, twitter dan lain sebagainya yang mana semakin hari mereka semakin mempercanggih sarana tersebut demi kepuasan penggunanya. Itulah fungsi dan kegunaan komputer yang dapat kami sampaikan.