
1. Quick start: Create an Excel table
To make working with data easier, you can organize data in a table format on a worksheet.

Tables provide easy filtering, in addition to calculated columns and total rows, which make calculations simple.

  • On a worksheet, select the range of cells that you want to include in the table. The cells can be empty or can contain data.

  • On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table, and then click the table style that you want.

Keyboard shortcut    You can also press CTRL+L or CTRL+T.

  • If the selected range contains data that you want to display as table headers, select the My table has headers check box in the Format as Table dialog box.

Table headers display default names if you do not select the My table has headers
check box. You can change the default names by selecting the default header that
you want to replace, and then typing the text that you want

Next steps
The Table Tools become available when you select a table, and a Design tab is displayed. To get a good idea of what you can add to or change in your table, click the Design tab, and then explore the groups and options that are provided on this tab.

2. Basic Excel Math Formulas: Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide

Basic Excel Math formula
Excel is basically one big calculation machine. And as one, it enables you to perform many kinds of calculations.
Let's begin with the very basic ones. Here is how you create an addition formula:

Select a cell, and type in '=4+5' (without the quotes).
In this case, the formula adds two constants (4 and 5) and the result of this formula (which is displayed in the cell itself) is 9.
It will always be 9; it won't be affected by changes in other cells or if we enter it into a different cell.

Adding Number Formatting

Adding Number Formatting
Number formatting refers to the addition of currency symbols, decimal markers, percent signs, and other symbols that help to identify the type of data present in a cell and to make that data easier to read.
Excel makes it easy to add number formatting to a worksheet by using icons on the Home tab of the ribbon.
For this tutorial we will add percent signs and currency symbols where needed as well as reducing the number of decimal places for one column of values.
Adding the Percent Symbol
·         Click on cell C5.
·         Click on the Home tab.
·         Click on the Percent style option on the ribbon.
·         The data in cell C5 should now read as 6%.

Adding the Currency Symbol
·    Select cells B8 - F11.

·    Click on the down arrow next to General option on the ribbon to open the Number Format drop down list.

·    Select Currency from the list. 

·    The data in cells B8 - F11 should now show the dollar symbol ( $ ) and two decimal places.
Note: The dollar sign symbol ( $ ) on the ribbon is a shortcut to the Accounting Number format which is different from the regular currency format we are using.
Decreasing Decimal Places
Since the currency amounts in cells B8 to B11 are in whole dollar amounts, we can remove the decimal places for this data to make the worksheet less cluttered.
Decreasing decimal places does not change the data it just reduces the number of digits appearing in the worksheet cell.
To alter the data you would need to use one of Excel's rounding functions.
  Select cells B8 to B11.
  Click twice on the Decrease Decimal icon in the Number format section of the ribbon.
The number in these cells should now have currency symbols but no decimal places showing. For example B8 should now read: $45,789

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